Thursday 8 November 2012

The Cookware

After our first meal we got a little bit cocky.

The plan was for tandoori chicken legs with spiced potatoes.  All was going well until we moved the dish containing the potatoes............. with an ear splitting bang it smashed into hundreds of small pieces of glass.  No one had told us not to use Pyrex dishes.

As we scraped the glass out of the oven into a plastic box it was hotter than we thought and started to melt through the bottom of the box!  Standing well back, we used the hose to fill the box with water with much fizzing, bubbling and steam.  Lesson two, DON'T use Pyrex dishes!!

After taking advice from Bryan, we have now visited our local Chinese and Indian supermarkets and bought cheap aluminium trays, woks and a casserole dish.  They are brilliant and wash up like new.  Lesson three, don't buy expensive cookware.

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