Thursday 8 November 2012

The Rookie Firestarters

Well it's been a while, let's catch up with the story................

The oven was finished at the end of August and we thought, "this is easy, let's have a fire!"  How wrong we were....

To start with, we experimented with a boy scout type fire, you know, a pile of newspaper with kindling arranged on top.  Oh dear :(  It turns out that a "Jenga" style pile works much better.  Lesson one learned.

So we got a fire started but as soon as we pushed it back in the oven it went out.  Smoke everywhere, guaranteed to annoy the neighbours!  Sheepishly we called Alan to see what we were doing wrong and it turns out we were pushing the fire back too soon.  The inside of the oven is cold and airless and you need a BIG fire before you push it back.

We've finally got the hang of it and can even control the temperature now.  Onwards and upwards!

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