Saturday 7 July 2012

The Base

More wet weather meant the project was getting even further behind, reinforcements were called for!  One Thursday, 2 extra brickies arrived, Ron and Bob.  Yes really.... Bob the Builder!

They were lovely guys from the North East who worked like trojans all day on the one hot day we've had recently.  I've never known two people drink as much tea.  They very kindly spoke very slowly when they spoke to me - well I am blonde after all - but when they spoke to each other it was like a foreign language :)

Bob assured me that he wished he'd taken up bricklaying years ago and that he had only been doing it for 6 months.  He reckoned he'd been stacking shelves in Tesco for the last 40 years.  I almost believed him.......... but he was too good at his job to keep up the joke for long.

So this is half way.  Base, log store and proving oven built, "just" the main oven, chimney, insulation and roof to go......

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