Monday 9 July 2012

The Mess

Let's not be under any illusions here, having a garden oven built is a major construction project and it will make a mess.  A skip, building supplies and a cement mixer will take up most of your drive, if you have one.

We are lucky enough to still be able to get one car on the end of the drive, the other has to annoy the neighbours by being parked opposite our drive.  We live in a small court of 9 houses and parking is a sore point at the best of times!  We have tried putting the other car on the front lawn to get it out of the way but it threatened to turn the lawn into a mini Isle of Wight festival and the name "Onslow" came to mind :)

The dust from mixing mortar and cutting bricks and blocks has a life of its own.  My poor plants are covered in it and no matter how much you keep your windows and doors shut, it will get in and you will feel it crunching under your feet as you walk about the house.  Having a small dog who wants to keep an eye on proceedings doesn't help either - did I mention it's the wettest summer on record?!

But the mess is only temporary, a garden oven is permanent.  It will still be there long after you are gone.  Neighbours can be placated with the promise of a pizza party and the dog can soon have his garden back.  Just make sure your hoover works before you start!

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