Thursday 5 July 2012

The start...

I have wanted a garden oven since I first saw one on holiday 25 years ago.  It doesn't matter that I don't live in the Mediterranean and that this summer is the wettest on record, I still wanted one.  And then my husband started working at the same company as Bryan..........

Bryan and his brother in law Alan are passionate about garden ovens.  They have done hours of research and decided that the only way to learn was to build one.  They both now have one in each of their gardens!  Over time they have worked out the optimum design and after building a few more, they are building one for us :)

I am now helping them in return to build up their business.  Their USP is their passion for the ovens and after researching other companies, we decided they were the "Real" garden oven people, hence the name.

We've got as far as registering the domain name.  The next step is the website with some photos of the ovens themselves and some of the fantastic things you can cook in them.  Think pizza, bread, casseroles, roasted meat and vegetables, even your Christmas dinner!

Ours should be ready to cook in by the weekend so I'll keep you posted :)

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