Saturday 7 July 2012

The First Test Fire

The interior dimensions of the oven are vital if it is to draw properly and reach the right temperature.  Once the interior has been built you can have your first of three test fires.  I can't tell you how exiciting this is!

As each oven is unique in design and location, the aim of the test fires is firstly to help dry the oven out but also to work out where in the oven the fire will work best and in which direction the smoke will travel.  Our fires will be in the back right corner and the smoke drifts away from the neighbours' houses.

Smoke is actually a really good point.... Real Garden Ovens only smoke until they reach the right temperature.  Once they are hot there is a faint whiff of wood smoke which compared with the clouds of gas from lighter fluid and fire lighters you get from barbecues is actually very nice.

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